
Dalla testimonianza al protagonismo: le madri dei migranti dispersi nel Mediterraneo promotrici di diritti

In January 2024, the association Todo Cambia, together with the associations Abarekà Nandree Odv and Énergie pour les droits de l’homme du Senegal, launched the project "From Testimony to Advocacy: Mothers of Migrants Missing in the Mediterranean as Promoters of Rights and Income-Generating Activities in Mali and Senegal" thanks to funding from the Otto per Mille of the Waldensian Church.

The project aims to promote the autonomy and democratic participation of the families of people who have gone missing on the Mediterranean route while attempting to reach Europe from Mali and Senegal.

The goals of the project are:

  • To initiate income-generating activities for the families of missing migrants;
  • To support the mobilization of families in their pursuit of truth and justice regarding the fate of their loved ones.

In this project, the role of women is fundamental. Women are often the most affected by the disappearance of their husbands and children, which places the responsibility of managing the family's future on them. Women have shown a great capacity to network among themselves and to be resilient in their search for their missing loved ones, viewing this search for truth and justice as an extension of their responsibilities towards the family. This is why they are the central figures of the project "From Testimony to Advocacy."

The project includes the formation of groups of women in Mali and Senegal to start income-generating activities and grassroots advocacy work, which involves creating a photographic gallery and video interviews aimed at pursuing truth and justice regarding the fate of their missing loved ones. Thanks to these activities, the Mali and Senegal sections of the "Missing at the Borders" website will be opened.