The victims of the borders and walls raised by Europe to hinder people’ s right to move freely (going against the principle of freedom of movement enshrined in art. 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), are not only those who undertake the journey. Their families are victims, too, as they live in the anguish caused by the disappearance of their relatives or in the pain of not being able to give them a proper burial. Here you will find their stories. These families indict European migration policies which do not allow any regular entry and therefore force people to risk their lives to get here. These families demand DIGNITY, TRUTH and JUSTICE for the fate of their relatives! Missing at the Borders has the fundamental objective of compiling as many video-interviews as possible, so that the families can share, with their own voices, their experiences.
My husband left because
he wanted independence for his children.
Yahara Mar
Their disappearance is always haunting us,
we don't know where they are.
M'Benda Faye
This burden becomes even heavier
when the breadwinners
were left behind in the ocean.
Yacine Faye
If losing one person is terrible,
how can I feel if I lose 5?
My daughter, her 2 children and 2 brothers.
N'Doumboul Niang
The night he was supposed to take the boat to Spain he called me,
It was the last time I heard his voice.
Binetou Niang
He called me on 28th August,
saying that he had to go to Mauritania (...)
Since that day, we have not heard from him.
Awa Ba
What we ask
is that the European Union
build bridges and not walls.
Yayi Bayari Diouf
So, not having news from Mbacké nor any other girl,
their families reported their disappearing.
But any research did not yield any result.
Rhoudia Mamour Niang
If he tried immigration, it was to help his family,
to offer them a better life.
Walir Faye
We did research in every direction, but nothing came out.
It is so, so hard to bear.
Astou Seck Niang
We're tired! Thiaroye has lost so many children
because of the immigration that we can't count.
Tabara Seck
It’s poverty that took Badr away from us.
Now, I'm fighting for other young people who disapperead and who will disappear.
We started our struggle. I did everything.
With the ministry of Foreign Affairs,
with the ministry of Interior, eveyrthing...
Without results.
Please help me find out the truth about my son.
Awatef Daoudi
Since that phone call, we haven’t heard anything.
We don’t know if he’s alive or dead (…)
We went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
we went to all sorts of institutions to find some information. So far, no news.
Fadhila Hammami
"The fact that he was denied
an entry visa so many times,
was the direct cause
of his disappearance!"
Kamel Belabed
"We need certainty about what happened to our children.
We are heartbroken"
Dalila Abid
"We are certain that the Tunisian Navy arrested them.
Nobody has ever been able to prove to me that my son is dead!"
Zahra Asri
"We will never forget Mounir!
Almost 11 years have gone by, but it's as if he left yesterday"
Beya Boudoukha
"I look at the sea hoping he’ll come home!
Our lives are like a constant funeral!"
Abdelhamid Chelbi
"When I hear a knock at the door, right away I think that he's come back!
I always thought, and still think, that he'll come back!"
Lyamna Hamidi
"His absence is the greatest pain.
Because you don’t know where your husband is. If he’s alive or dead…"
Omelkhir Wertatani
"If we had been able to bury him, we would have accepted God’s destiny.
We would have visited him at the graveyard like everyone else.
We are neither alive nor dead"
Gemma Bensalem
"I live in the constant hope, that he'll come back.
I always hope that one day he'll come knocking on the door"
Dalila Basset Hamdi
"We’ll never stop looking for them!
You can’t abandon your own child"
Mohamed Djezzar
"Teenagers must be able to see things, get out, broaden their horizon. That's one of their rights. Article 13 states, you have the right to go, to leave and to see"
Mohamed Ben Smida
"How come the foreigners can come here with just an ID card and without paying? While we have to apply for a visa and pay for it. And in the end we don't even get the visa"
Souad Ben Brahim
"Everything has changed. This is hell. A hell that I can't even explain to you, that you can't even imagine!"
Bariza Haidouci
"Do you think I can forget my son? My children are my life"
Boubakeur Seddik Sabouni
"I don’t need anything in this world. Except for the truth about my son"
Meherzia Chargui EP Raouafi
“Missing at the borders” is a self-financed project. Your donations will be used to collect further interviews with the families of deceased or missing migrants or victims of forced disappearance. Thank you!
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Reason of payment: Missing at the borders